John certainly helped us achieve it. Since the building has been completed, it has become one of the favourite locations for students
Frognal Way is a footpath to the South of St John of Hampstead church a 3m plus high wall retaining the graveyard which is home to a number of historically sensitive graves, one of which being Sir John Constable.
We noted that this wall could not be taken down and we had to find a solution to retain the wall which in turn retained the cemetery.
Given the complexities and that we are not structural engineers we sought the advice of a firm of structural engineers to consider the issue. Accordingly, they recommended the use of screw piles connected to reinforced concrete columns which would therefore retain both wall and churchyard.
On its own this would work perfectly however given the sensitivity of this project we could not leave the concrete columns exposed and specified they be clad with reclaimed bricks bedded in a lime mortar, resulting in the photos below.
The project was very successful and has stood the test of time and weathered well.
One example of working in partnership with another construction industry professional.